It doesnā€™t matter how much your organisation spends on creating processes and procedures. If no one understands your SOPs youā€™ll keep losing time, valuable resources, good people and money.

There is another way: communicating in writing the same way you speak, using cutting-edge technology to train and motivate them and gamifying even the most complex of procedures will increase the likelihood of those procedures being followed.

Say goodbye to waste, attrition and loss, and hello to greater efficiency, employee satisfaction and profitability.

Your Process Lab works in five stages:


We review your SOPs together, clarifying what's not working, identifying what you want to keep and understanding how you've tried communicating in the past. Then we create a plan for revolutionising your SOPs and encouraging people to use them.


Our skilled writers work their magic, dusting off your complex SOPs, finding the nuggets within and upcycling them until they're easy to read, easy to follow and motivating to use. At this point we also start thinking about how to best present and even gamify the contents.


We partner with you and some creative geniuses to identify the best platform and method to share your upcycled SOPs. Video, customisable mobile apps, live training... anything is possible. We work with top trainers to get the messages across so people want to follow them. 


Working with your communications team we develop an internal communications strategy to get the word out and engagement levels UP. Our mission is to drastically improve adherence to your SOPs to save you money, materials, time and help you retain good people. We'll get you there.


Occasionally things will change in your industry and in your business. Those upcycled SOPs will need a refresh to ensure they still contain the latest information. Today's communications channels are shifting quickly; how and what you deliver in your SOPs needs to keep pace.

Drawing on decades of experience, we'll create the best SOP upcycling experience for your business.
Let's talk and see how we can save your organisation money and time, reduce waste and maximise impact.

Ready to start upcycling?

Let's talk.