People learn and look for information differently today. Gone are the days when a weighty, complicated manual would do the job of communicating policies and procedures.

It's time for a new approach.

That's why Your Process Lab partners with innovative solutions like The Kite Program to train, support and motivate your people.

What is The Kite Program?

Kite is a customisable training, wellbeing and HR development solution.

A cleverly designed mobile app, Kite was originally created to provide mobile wellbeing support to mothers. Off the back of its global success, Kite now offers an opportunity for organisations to innovate by creating a bespoke training, HR development and wellbeing support for employees.

Why Kite?

The Kite Program is the first of its kind on the global HR tech market. Creating custom Kites is simple, and the end result is easy for employees to use.

Better still, Kite has a powerful impact on the wellbeing and development of staff, who benefit from the personal and respectful way in which content is delivered.

Kite can be customised to suit your workforce for both training and wellbeing purposes. It's never been easier to create content that addresses the current wellbeing and training challenges within your workforce.

Kite has a feature that allows you to list all of the training, mental health and support resources available to your staff. Better still, daily activities are small enough that they are achievable, and practical enough that employees are able to weave them into their workday. Kite offers support without adding to the workload -- and stress -- of your people. 

How does it work?

The Kite Program offers a vast library of existing Kites covering personal topics such as stress, sleep, relationships, juggling work, technology detox and budgeting. The true beauty of Kite for Business lies in its flexibility; using the existing platform and format, you can completely customise the content, training programs and wellbeing solutions you want to offer your team. Kite is perfect for delivering information about processes and procedures, for onboarding new employees or for communicating organisational change. Better still, the solution is completely client-led, so you're not relying on external developers to make things happen. The sky really is the limit. 

Curious to learn more about
The Kite Program?

Drop us a line, we'd be happy to tell you more about Kite and how it can help you train, support and guide your employees.